PAC cracks the whip

In its report tabled in the Legislative Assembly, the Public Accounts Committee has opened a plethora of strictures against the PDD and PWD as usual. One fails to understand how much immune have these two departments and their functionaries become to public criticism. The PAC has exposed the PDD for its inefficiency and blatant irregularities. It clearly states that there is a nexus between the PDD ground staff and non-registered consumers that is the biggest reason for pilferage of electric power that has escalated to nearly 10 hours shut down in a day. The department has no policy of allocating funds for purchase of electric poles and repair of damaged transformers. The worst is that the PAC categorically states that owing to lack of computer training among the secretarial staff wrong electric billing is made and consumers are made to pay exorbitant electric bills. Why is the Government shielding the defaulters in this most corrupt department? Why can’t it set up a court of enquiry into all malpractices and punish the culprits? The people want a comprehensive plan with the Government for total overhauling of the PDD and infusing new life into its veins. No better is the condition with the PWD, which is notorious for leaving crucial projects incomplete and unattended. PWD is usually taking shelter behind lack of coordination among various departments which is not always true. Nor is its effort of passing the buck on to the private contractors a reality. There are inherent problems in these two departments and people will not be convinced by any argument they may bring forth.


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