Excelsior Correspondent

SRINAGAR, June 19: A group comprising 39 Overseas Diaspora Youth, called on N.N. Vohra, Governor, here at Raj Bhavan today.
These young men and women are visiting Jammu and Kashmir on an Orientation Programme under the “28th Know India Programme” (KIP) sponsored by Ministry of Overseas Indian Affairs, Government of India. The KIP participants are from Fiji, Malaysia, Mauritius, Netherlands, South Africa, Suriname, Trinidad & Tobago, Myanmar, Israel and Sri Lanka.
In their interactions with the Governor, the participants were keen to know more about the history, geography, demography and culture of the State. In his responses, the Governor gave them a broad overview of issues relating to security, economy, women empowerment, tourist destinations, flora and fauna, establishment of infrastructure, programs for socio-economic growth and promotion of welfare of the masses, particularly the nomadic societies and other segments of the population of the State.
During their discussions with the Governor, the participants stated that they had found a safe and secure environment in the places visited by them and had very good things to say about the warmth and hospitality of all the people they had met in the State.
The Governor urged them to make their contribution towards the advancement of peace and prosperity in the world.