Opposition grills Govt for no progress, ruling party Members laud achievements

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, Jan 10: As discussion on Motion of Thanks on Governor’s Address continued for the 3rd day in the Legislative Assembly, opposition Members grilled the Government for no progress on Kashmir resolution and slackness on part of the administrative machinery while the ruling party MLAs lauded achievements of the Coalition Government.
Initiating today’s discussion, MLA M Y Tarigami alleged that killing of unarmed civilians and indiscriminate lathicharge as experienced by NHM employees yesterday, has become order of the day in the present Government.
Maintaining that restricting movement of separatists will not help in easing the tension, he called for dialogue with various stakeholders to bring long lasting peace in the State. He said resolutions to the problems should be arrived at by discussion in the House of the Assembly in a democratic manner and every member needs to play a positive role in the process.
Tarigami cautioned the Government not to rely on making statements only but do something concretely to minimize the sufferings of the people. He demanded political reservation for women in the State and also called for taking steps to generate job opportunities for the youth to address the issue of unemployment in Jammu and Kashmir.
As the CPI (M) MLA alleged corruption everywhere in the State, including Civil Secretariat, the Minister for Sports and Youth Affairs Imran Raza Ansari urged the Chair to expunge the controversial remarks or direct  Tarigami to specify the incidents of corruption following which there was heated exchange of words between the two.
As Tarigami reiterated his allegations, Deputy Speaker Nazir Gurezi, who was in the Chair, intervened and said that the opposition MLA was only referring about corruption in general.
Pawan Gupta alleged discrimination with Jammu in respect of providing employment and development. He raised the issue of lack of proper power and water supply in the rural reaches of his constituency and asked the Government to strengthen the water supply mechanism for providing clean drinking water to the rural areas besides asking for augmenting the transmission lines catering to rural ambits of his constituency.
He also called for strengthening the power supply scenario in the state, increasing power infrastructure besides called for formulating a traffic management plan to regulate traffic in all towns of the State as well as for a targeted plan to decongest traffic in major cities in the State.
Pawan Gupta demanded for implementation of the recommendations of 7th Pay Commission in the State for the welfare of the employees and also called for delimitation of the Assembly constituencies.
While taking part in the discussion, PDP Legislator Javid Hassan Beigh lambasted opposition parties for making hue and cry for the resolution of Kashmir  but not entering into a serious debate over the same. He also accused the separatists, particularly Syed Ali Shah Geelani  of playing politics over the dead bodies and giving religious colour to the  Kashmir movement.
Expressing dismay over absence of opposition members in the House, he stressed  that discussions and debate in the House are essential for healthy democracy. He said that every legislator is a spokesperson for the common people and reflects public opinion, which needs to be vocalized and addressed to fulfill the mandate of democracy.
The MLA  urged members to make use of this appropriate forum and raise the concerns and demands of the people on the floor of the House. He also called for meaningful dialogue between all stakeholders to create a roadmap for finding solution to the Kashmir problem.
Er Sheikh Rasheed,  while taking part in the discussion,  urged the Government to release political prisoners and initiate a meaningful dialogue to put an end to the violence in the State. He also urged the Government and all the members to maintain the sanctity of the House.
Aijaz Ahmad Mir of PDP,  while taking part in the discussion,  appreciated Government’s initiatives including decision to regularize daily/casual labourers, macadamization efforts undertaken across all regions in the State, the rehabilitation policy put in place for the pellet victims besides for introducing amnesty policy for the stone pelters who are first time offenders. He stressed that open dialogue between all stake holders is the only way for establishing peace in the State.
Shakti Raj Parihar of BJP praised the Government for taking various developmental initiatives in the State, particularly  macadamization of more than 6000 kilometre roads, establishment of AIIMS, IIMs, IITs and other educational institutions in the State. He appreciated measures taken to establish and ensure transparency and accountability in the State. He also demanded  establishing of new educational institutions in the far reaches of the State besides calling for up-gradation of the existing educational institutions. He asked for increasing efforts for improvement of power infrastructure in rural areas of the State.
Yawar Ahmed Mir of PDP,  while taking part in the discussion,  called for immediate action to combat and counter deviation of the younger generation from the inherited values of our society. Besides, he congratulated the PDP-BJP Government for undertaking several initiatives for welfare and development of the people of the State. He also congratulated the Government for regularizing over 61000 casual labourers and for undertaking extensive macadamization works in the State
Ravinder Raina also took part in discussion on Motion of Thanks on Governor’s Address and appreciated the Government especially Chief Minister for conducting public outreach programmes at district headquarters. He appreciated the initiatives undertaken for augmentation of public amenities especially with regards to improvement in road connectivity.
Anjum Fazli applauded the Government for withdrawal of cases against the youth caught in first time offences for stone pelting.
She said various measures have been taken for the development of amenities in every constituency of the State with regards to education, public infrastructure etc. She praised the government for execution of macadamization of over 6000 km of road length and for up-gradation of various educational institutions in the State.
She also highlighted the historical decision for regularization of casual labourers taken by the present dispensation. A verbal duel was witnessed in the House when BJP MLA from Ramnagar, R S Pathania took a strong objection to the oft repeated demand of plebiscite made by MLA Langate, Engineer Rashid in the House.
Pathania, while participating in the Debate on Governor address, quoted two sections of J&K Constitution which say that J&K is an integral part of India. These two sections can’t be amended, he added. He said neither the independent member tendered apology nor his remarks were expunged from the records. Pathania said Engineer Rashid was challenging the basic provisions, which is against the spirit of Constitution.
He demanded that the member be either de-seated or the Speaker should reject his (Pathania’s) submission. Though Engineer Rashid also tried to retort, he was countered by other BJP MLAs Shakti Parihar from Doda and Rajiv Jasrotia from Kathua who said that the BJP MLA was right.
Earlier verbal duel and heated arguments were also witnessed between BJP MLA Ravinder Raina and Engineer Rashid over the militancy issue when the former accused Pakistan and separatist organizations of exploiting innocent youth of the State. Raina said that the Hurriyat leader Geelani and others have sent their wards abroad for green pastures while the innocent youth of Kashmir have being exploited to take to arms.
R S Pathania terming peace as requisite for development, called upon all stakeholders to participate in dialogue process to find a common path in consensus with the population to establish lasting peace in the State.