Operation Sadbhavana

Refer article ‘Operation Sadbhavana’ DE May 10, 2018. The author deserves kudos for highlighting an issue which is not much covered by media, whether electronic or print.
Sadbhavana is a well-intentioned, and meaningful programme run by Indian Army. The programme is generating tremendous  goodwill among the beneficiaries. Not only that it is bridging the gap between military and people, particularly in remote/border areas.
The Army has taken various welfare measures for masses in remote areas which generally remain deprived of basic facilities like healthcare and education.
Through this programme, many educational institutions have been equipped with computers, and other educational aids quite necessary for imparting quality education to marginalised lot of  society.
The Army has also constructed some micro hydel projects in some villages,  which  had remained unelectrified yet.
The Army is playing the role of a welfare department taking into cognizance the hardships faced by the poor and rich people in far flung areas.
The Army must give a further filip to this programme to  ensure a healthy relationship between Army and people.
Yours etc..
Sameer Gupta