Omar Abdullah vows to continue struggle for J&K’s rights

NC vice president Omar Abdullah during an election rally at Bandipora on Thursday. -Excelsior/Firdous
NC vice president Omar Abdullah during an election rally at Bandipora on Thursday. -Excelsior/Firdous

‘BJP, its allies making attempts to weaken NC’

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, May 16: Jammu and Kashmir National Conference vice president and former Chief Minister Omar Abdullah today reaffirmed the party’s commitment to protecting the interests, unique character, and dignity of the people of Jammu and Kashmir.
Addressing election rallies in Sumbal Sonawari and Inderkote Bandipore, Omar Abdullah emphasized the ongoing struggle to restore democratic rights in the region.
In back-to-back rallies organized by constituency in-charges Hilal Akbar Lone and Advocate Nazir Malik, Omar received a warm welcome from thousands of supporters.
The rallies were complemented by an impressive road show in Sumbal, where enthusiastic crowds expressed their affection for the former Chief Minister.
Similar road shows were held in Nowgam, Indrakot, and Harinara, drawing large participation.
Prominent party figures, including Treasurer Shammi Oberoi, Chief Spokesperson Tanvir Sadiq, and senior leaders such as Aga Syed Ruhullah Mehdi, Sharifuddin Shariq, Aga Syed Mehmood, Mir Ghulam Rasool Naaz, Shabbir Ahmed Kullay, and Adv Muzaffar Khan, along with DDC members and party functionaries, attended the events.
In his address, the former Chief Minister Omar Abdullah urged the public to reject anti-Kashmir forces, recalling the historical struggle led by his grandfather, Sheikh Mohammad Abdullah.
“We have started a peaceful and democratic struggle for the restoration of our democratic rights, just as Sheikh Sahib did. We were once sold like cattle, but Sheikh Abdullah fought for our freedom. Today, we face economic and political slavery again, and it is the duty of every conscious citizen to protect our historical state,” he said.
Omar stressed that the National Conference has consistently advocated for peaceful solutions, rejecting violence.
He recounted a conversation between National Conference President Dr Farooq Abdullah and the late Abdul Ghani Lone, highlighting the party’s longstanding opposition to armed struggle.
“Dr Farooq Abdullah warned that guns would only bring destruction, filling graveyards and flowing rivers with blood. We have always maintained that change must come through the ballot, not bullets,” he asserted.
Welcoming the recent announcement by Jamaat-e-Islami to participate in elections if the ban on the organization is lifted, the National Conference Vice-President expressed hope for their inclusion in the democratic process.
“Nothing will change with guns and stone-pelting. If something is to change, we must use our vote to shape our future,” he stated.
Abdullah also addressed the concerted efforts by various entities, including BJP and agencies from New Delhi and Nagpur, to allegedly weaken the National Conference.
He urged voters to counter these conspiracies with their votes on May 20.
“We are fighting for the entire nation, advocating for the release of all prisoners held in jails outside J&K. When the National Conference Government is formed in September, we will prioritize their release,” he pledged.