Prof S S Verma
Majority of the public above party politics today know that present day politicians have all the political parties as their families and they only indulge in making derogatory remarks against their opponents at the time of elections just to fool the public. However, they do not want any type of action to be taken under the law of land against their brother culprit politicians. Every political party always opens their doors for most corrupt and criminal politicians for the sake of winning elections. In case of such matters, these politicians are always full or words to manipulate and justify their all actions. In the last, only judicial machinery (particularly Supreme Court of India) sometimes come forward to take some strict measures against these law offending corrupt and criminal politicians of the country. Each and every politician is becoming millionaire to billionaire and putting strong hold towards dynasty politics. For the last sixty seven years of so called democracy in the country the politicians are only fooling people on issues of secularism, poverty, employment, security and development but now people have experience of many years towards the working of these politicians for only their (politicians and their family members) benefits.
Politicians/leaders generally come very close to public in the days of canvassing for their elections and at that time many people at present are showing outrageous behavior towards them by many means like: throwing ink, eggs, stones, tomatoes or shoes. At that time supporters of these leaders in public in general and security in particular leave no chance to thrash these trouble makers and law of land begins to take its own proceedings against such people. Without going into the depth for such a behavior by the people who in general are young people and want their leaders with qualities of honesty, caste-free, above region & religion, free from dynastic syndrome and answerable to them in terms of their development for the electorates. When the people find present day leaders/politicians drenched to the maximum with anti-people characteristics, losing one’s clam or patience is a very common thing. These path breaking people need to be listened and be dealt with patience at the hands of supporters and security instead of running after them for their lives.
In future, such rare incidents can become common incidents and leaders have to learn a lesson in order to improve themselves as their role model images for the public. Supporters and security will fail measurably if crowd will turn hostile against the leaders and that situation seems not far away. Instead of amending their ways, politicians are going for their private security in the form of boxers or wrestlers but these tactics will not pay when many people from the public will turn outrageous towards the corrupt politicians. Such people may be small in number today but will grow with time if the politicians do not change their attitude towards life and public. Therefore, people who show their anger have to be tackled carefully. It is sad to see the treatment such people met at the hands of supporters and security of the leaders. Very few leaders come forward in forgiving the acts of such people; even then the security takes the things in their hands and harasses such people to the maximum.
People know that these leaders who are making road shows, roaming on foot from door to door, meeting each and every voter of his constituency to get votes will never be approachable to common man after they will win elections. After winning the elections, they will be the democratic lords of the country and will be above law of land and will never bother to listen to the grievances of common man. That is why; people with courage and with different thinking do not waste such opportunity to make these leaders realize that they are not happy with their working. Crux of the talk is that leaders should behave patiently and listen to such people and excuse them (people showing their displeasure) for their acts of anger towards them (politicians). Otherwise, many people from the crowd will oppose this suppression and will come forward and it will be difficult for the leaders to face public in general and time may come that they (public) will make them run for their lives.
People want politicians with characters of honesty, sincerity, hardworking, approachable even after winning elections, free from caste, region, religion and dynastic politics. Of course in democracy, the change is in the hands of people and they have to make best use of voting opportunity in selecting their leaders who satisfy maximum desired qualities of a leader.