Of Americans


This refers to the writeup’My AmericanVisit'(DE, Apr21, 2019).The writeup made aninteresting reading.The writer has beautifullyand minutely studied the life style and generalhabits of Americans.It is really appreciable thatAmericans are self disciplined, honest in theirdeeds and observe no VIP culture.They followtraffic rules from the core of their hearts as lawabiding citizens and help in maintaining theircities and residential areas properly.But thereare so many traffic violations with only a fewbikers wearing helmets and resorting to overtak-ing with the result that there are frequent trafficjams on the roads.What impressed me most is that there no nui-sance of stray dogs and cattle and their waste iscollected in dogwaste boxes thus, making thesurroundings clean.On the contrary, we have toface the menace of stray dogs and stray cattleand many people get bitten by the stray dogsroaming in streets and roads in cites and else-where.According to the writer,all areas includingroads there are dust free whereas in many areas,especially in rural areas, our roads are potholedand not blacktopped.The result is that clouds ofdust are given up when buses and trucks ply overthem and those driving behind them have to bearthe brunt.It is appreciable that the Americanshave work culture, there is no gender discrimi-nation and they avoid attending phones whilethey are working.It is the work culture of the people whichtransforms a country and Americans deserveappreciation for cultivating the habit of work cul-ture.Last but not least, they have highest regardfor their country and hoist their National flagproudly on the top of their house.All these qual-ities of Americans speak a lot about their mind-set, culture, behaviour and nationalism.They are disciplined people who take pridein doing work and loving their country. AsEmerson says, ‘Not gold but only men canmake/A people great and strong’, it is due totheir work culture,self discipline and aware-ness that America is one of the richest and pow-erful countries of the world.We, in India, needto learn from their life and culture and emulateall their good qualities such as work culture,nationalism, self discipline etc to make ourcountry strong and prosperous.

Ashok Sharma,Housing Colony, Udhampur


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