Odisha Congress demands opening of all four gates of Jagannath temple for devotees

PURI, Oct  16: Odisha Congress on Monday demonstrated in this pilgrim city demanding opening of all the  four gates of Sri Jagannath temple for the devotees

Shouting slogans and carrying banners, hundreds of congress activist led by PCC president Sarat Kumar Patnaik and former PCC chief Prasad Harichandan and Jayadev Jena  marched on the Grand Road  shouting slogans against the Naveen Patnaik government

The  Congress leaders later submitted a  memorandum  listing the charter of demands to the temple chief administrator addressed to state governor Prof. Ganeshi Lal.

The Congress sought intervention of the Governor to exert pressure on the  Temple administration to open all four gates of the sri Jagannath temple for devotees before the beginning of Kartik brata.

The memorandum  said devotees coming from outside are the worst sufferers as they have to stand hours in queue under harsh weather in front of Simhadwar, the only entry gate to the temple.

The  Temple administration, the memorandum said, has been repeatedly shifting dates to open all gates on the pretext of ongoing sri Mandir Parikrama work.

This apart the congress leaders stated that though the High court had directed the administration to carry out repairs to dilapidated Ratna Bhandar(Tempel Treasury) the administration did precious little in this regard.

The opening of ratna bhandar treasury to enumerate the precious ornaments, jewelleries and  rare gems to match with inventory made five decades ago and the repairs of worn out jewellery of the lords  have  not been  carried out  on the ground of missing keys of the ratna bhandar.

The  memorandum  also pointed out  that eighty percent residents of Puri have no land rights on their houses and property as the administration supplanted srimandir managing committee as the owner.

The residents cannot sell or take bank loans on their property. The PCC demanded to address this three decade old issue.

The PCC urged the state governor Prof. Ganeshi Lal to take up these issues with  the state government.

Several senior Congress leaders including party MLA Suresh Chandra Routray  and  Taraprasad Bahinipati participated in the agitation programme. (UNI)