No truck with NC, PDP for Govt formation: Jaitley

Avtar Bhat

Union Minister of Finance Arun Jaitley addressing BJP rally at Channi on Sunday. -Excelsior/ Rakesh
Union Minister of Finance Arun Jaitley addressing BJP rally at Channi on Sunday.
-Excelsior/ Rakesh

JAMMU, Dec 14: Maintaining distance from both regional parties, People’s Democratic Party (PDP) and National Conference (NC), BJP senior leader and Union Finance, Information & Broadcasting Minister, Arun Jaitley today said that his Party will not make post poll alliance with any of the two parties in Government formation in the State.
Addressing a seminar at Hotel Ritz here this afternoon Mr Jaitley said BJP will maintain distance from both the regional parties advocating for self rule, autonomy and restoration of pre 1953 position.
He said BJP will tie up with those regional groups in the State who toe its ideology of nationalism and instead of allying with two regional parties it will prefer to sit aloof.
Jaitley said BJP wants to form its own Government in the State by making its Mission 44+ a complete success and it will be ready to align with other regional groups whom BJP’s ideology will be acceptable.
Responding to a question regarding appointment of a Hindu Chief Minister in the State, the Union Minister said for the appointment of the Chief Minister, religion and region is not important but the vision and personality of the candidate is important. On Article 370, he said BJP has not given up its stand.
Jaitley, who addressed mammoth election rally earlier at Ram Lila Ground Channi to seek vote for Party candidate Kavinder Gupta alleged that Jammu and Ladakh regions have faced total discrimination over the years in each and every sphere of life through the hands of successive State Governments. There is a general feeling and resentment among the people of both these regions against the same, he added.
He said PDP and Congress want to marginalize Jammu and Ladakh regions while Congress is playing a second fiddle to these two parties. The agenda of Congress is clear and the party is not totally bothered for Jammu and Ladakh regions, he added.
Jaitley said people must seek a reply from Congress leadership that what was its role as a coalition partner in both PDP and NC regimes to end the discrimination with Jammu and Ladakh regions?
It was due to wrong policy of Congress that the people of Jammu have to agitate for restoration of land to Shri Amarnath Shrine Board (SASB) in 2008 when the Party was ruling the State. The Congress led Government could not allot the land to the Board to create facilities for eight lakh pilgrims visiting the holy shine annually, he added.
Jaitley said there is a feeling among the people in both the two regions of State that they have been facing discrimination right form 1947. These regions are facing discrimination in the allotment of Assembly seats, opening of professional colleges, Government jobs etc. There is also a common grievance in the two regions that the people are not getting the due share in budget and were considered the second class citizens. Some say that they have been forced to pay through the nose for being nationalists, he added.
Finding a fault with policies and ideology of Congress Jaitley said the Party which is still a part of coalition is contesting election against NC and its former Deputy CM has aligned with PDP.
He said the BJP which has an emotional and sentimental relationship with Jammu region since the days of Dr Shyama Prasad Mookerjee, founder of Jana Sangh and Pt Prem Nath Dogra of Praja Parishad, is the only Party which can give its due to Jammu. He said Dr Mookerjee gave sacrifice for cause of Jammu and Pt Prem Nath Dogra fought for the rights of nationalist people till his last breath.
If Jammu people want to get rid of discrimination they have got a golden opportunity to write a new chapter in history by making BJP’s Mission 44+ a reality.
He said no one had dreamt that BJP would cross magic figure of 272 in Lok Sabha elections and people were telling that you will be isolated after electing Mr Modi as your leader. But the conventional arithmetic did not work as ground chemistry has totally changed. No one could imagine that equal number of people will be seen waiting outside the Stadium in Srinagar as were inside the Stadium to listen Narendra Modi, he added.
Jaitley, while complimenting Union MoS in PMO, Dr Jitendra Singh said after a long time Jammu had got a leader who proved his mettle both in Parliament and Government and championed the cause of the people.
Addressing the rally, Dr Jitendra Singh said the elections will be a turning point in the history of Jammu as BJP is marching fast towards victory and formation of its first ever Government in the State.
Dr Singh said this poll for the BJP is not for the election of a MLA but for installation of its Government in the State. Since Narendra Modi took over Prime Minister of country India is leading towards progress and prosperity, he added.
He said so it has become imperative for proper utilization of funds that there should be same Government in the State which is at the Centre.
If people want that there should be end to corruption, the Government should be totally answerable and there should be total transparency they have to give BJP a decisive mandate, he said.
He said during the havoc created by floods, Modi Government responded quickly to provide relief and make rescue operations. Besides, sanctioning financial assistance GOI also announced six months ration free to flood sufferers in the State. But the Kashmiri leaders are still demanding Rs 44000 crore, he added.
Dr Singh said that it is because only two dynasties ruled the State while other people were considered incapable. It was either father -son Party or father –daughter Party which ruled J&K, he added.
He said BJP does not believe in dynastic rule and in this Party a common man can rise to highest post.
Dr Singh said that there is such a resentment among the people in Kashmir that they made a representation with Union Government that the money given as relief to flood victims be deposited in their accounts instead paying it through State Government agencies. This shows that the people have lost confidence in State Government, he added.
He said those who had said to jump into sea if Modi wins elections later received him with bouquets while another Kashmiri leader said that J&K also needs Modi like leader. This shows growing popularity of PM, he added.
Candidate for Gandhi Nagar Kavinder Gupta also addressed the rally and accused the coalition of discriminating with Jammu region in all spheres of life.
During the seminar stage was managed by BJP spokesperson, Sunil Sethi while BJP national general secretary Ram Lal, MoS in PMO, Dr Jitendra Singh, MLA Jammu West, Prof Chaman Lal Gupta, MLA Jammu East, Ashok Khajuria and former IG, S S Bijral were on the dais.