Delhi Police was carrying out an independent probe in the Congress MP Shashi Tharoor’s wife Sunanda Pushkar death case and that there was no “instruction” given to the investigators by the Centre, Minister of State for Home Affairs Haribhai Parthibhai Chaudhary today said.
Delhi Police had registered a suo motu FIR against unknown persons almost a year after Pushkar was found dead at a five-star hotel suite under mysterious circumstances on January 17 last.
Asked about allegations by opposition parties that the FIR, which has been filed under BJP regime, has been done to target Congress leader Shashi Tharoor, Chaudhary said, “Police Commissioner has already told you the entire thing, if you want to know anything more he will brief you. We have not given any such instruction, in any crime, investigation will be done as per law and we have no other intention.”
Chaudhary was speaking to reporters here at the Delhi Police Headquarters during a visit this afternoon.
“Delhi Police comes under my department and it was necessary to see the way it worked, today I have spent nearly two hours observing its functioning. The efforts Delhi Police have been making are commendable and I appreciate it. We have asked them to make further efforts for effective policing,” he said. (AGENCIES)