New transfer policy

It is quite praiseworthy that the new State Education Minister is keenly concerned about the improvement in educational standards in Govt schools and the new transfer policy is on the anvil. The transfer is the main tool of minting money in the Education Department. The following suggestions in this regard may prove fruitful and bring drastic change in boosting the morale of teachers resulting in qualitative change in academic standards.
Firstly, need based transfers of teachers should  be ordered keeping in view the dearth of various subject teachers in different areas of the State. There are often complaints that some schools are flooded with teachers while other schools run short of teachers. It will be better to adjust local teachers rather than to bring teachers from other districts  if they are competent  to handle the requirements of these schools.
Secondly, those teachers, who are promoted and placed in Ladakh and Kargil districts should stay there for a fixed tenure of two years.
Thirdly, those teachers who are unable to go to the far flung areas due to domestic reasons, having to look after aged ailing parents should not be disturbed from their home districts resulting in bad impact on quality education if disturbed from home localities.
Fourthly, proper teacher, students ratio as 1:30 should be maintained, while providing various subject teachers and +2 lecturers in various districts of the State. Overcrowding classes can also have bad impact on quality education. No political influence should pollute this pious profession as there are some areas with low student enrolment having adequate staff while some areas with high enrolments face staff crunch. Rationalization of staff is necessary for maintaining better standards in education.
Fifthly, some teachers who put long tenure of service outside their home districts get disenchanted and do not work with zest and zeal resulting  in poor performance in schools. Such teachers should be brought back to their home places to boost their morale resulting in better performance in schools.
Lastly, those teachers who are already displaced such as migrant teachers, facing a myraid of  miseries, should not be displaced again except in case of need or promotion to some higher cadre.
Such innovative measures shall really bring the much needed result oriented change in the performance of teachers with focus on quality education.
Yours etc…
K L Dhar
Durga Nagar Enclave