New Recruitment policy

Unemployment is a serious and vexed problem faced by the unemployed educated youth across the country, particularly in our State, there being few avenues for the youth for absorbtion in the private sector.Thus, it becomes the foremost duty of the Government to come to the help of the frustrated youth and take measures to generate ample employment oppportunities for the unemployed youth both in the Government and the private sector.But the new Recruitment Policy announced by the PDP- BJP Coalition Government in J&K is a cruel joke with the unemployed youth and reflects the insensitive attitude of the Government towards the frustrated youth.The policy is fraught with uncertainty and deceit and it will exploit the unemployed youth and  further aggravate their frustration.The policy  sidelines all the established procedures of recruitment and undermines the role of Recruitment institutions such as PSC and SSRB which have been functioning in a credible and efficient manner
The rider of seven years in the said policy to testify the satisfactory performance of the contractual appointees before their regularisation after seven years of service,is bound to breed corruption and nepotism and other malpractices.Sadly,every  Government has taken the unemployed youth for a ride. The previous NC -Congress Government too framed a Recruitment policy for the youth in which it was proposed that new appointees shall be regularised after five years but when the two coalition partners suffered poll debacle in the Parliamentary Elections, they ordered rollback of the said policy and reverted back to the old policy of recruitment. Thus,every Government frames policy not which favours the youth but to suit its own whims and agenda.
It is,therefore,in the interest of the youth that the Government should revoke the anti youth Recruitment Policy and activate the Recruitment institutions such as PSC/SSRB to fill up the large number of vacancies in various departments on fast track basis and not to play with the career of the hapless youth.The government also ought to conduct vocational training courses for the youth to impart them necessary skills and enhance their employability in the Government and private sector.
Yours etc…..
Ankita Sharma,
Vill. Pattla, near Railway Station, Udhampur