New procedure for obtaining Domicile Certificate bold initiative: Sethi


Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, May 19: Jammu Kashmir Bharatiya Janata Party has expressed its extreme satisfaction over the decision taken by UT Administration in notifying the procedure for obtaining Domicile Certificate by eligible persons paving way for people who had been made to suffer for more than seven decades by denying them rights which ought to have been given to them.
In a press conference addressed by party chief spokesperson, Sunil Sethi at BJP Headquarters here , it was acknowledged that what had happened now is culmination of long struggle by deprived classes for equality of opportunities be them West Pak Refugees, unregistered PoJK refugees, Valmiki Samaj , Children of Female State subjects married with non state Subjects etc. Their long wait was full of exploitation by political elements supporting separate identity.
Sunil Sethi also noted the huge impact of the Government order recognizing rights of left out PoJK families as also unregistered migrants to get Domicile Certificates and settle in Jammu Kashmir . Especially in case of unregistered PoJK refugees their three generations have been made to suffer despite being residents of Jammu Kashmir because of creating legal impediments to deny them rights
He also termed the decision to notify procedure for giving Domicile Certification to people not belonging to Jammu Kashmir who fulfill the criterion as laid down as a good initiative. This will give justice finally to people who are living in Jammu Kashmir over long period of time
Sunil Sethi requested Jammu Kashmir Administration to notify rules and procedure with regard to right to land and education and scholarships in Union Territory so that the people entitled are identified and process of putting Jammu Kashmir in national mainstream is expidiated.