Excelsior Correspondent
SRINAGAR, Oct 23: Minister for Law, Justice and Parliamentary Affairs, Mir Saifullah today said that recently a Bill was introduced in the State Legislature seeking amendments to the criminal law for providing more protection to the women folk and the same is likely to be passed during the next session of the Legislature.
The Minister was speaking at the inaugural session of the 2-day international seminar on ‘Gender Justice: A way forward’ organized by School of Legal Studies, Central University of Kashmir in collaboration with the Indian Institute of Public Administration (J&K Branch) at Gandhi Bhawan, University of Kashmir here today.
The Minister said that concept of gender justice was in the minds of the framers of Naya Kashmir Vision Document, which laid down the foundation for economic, social, educational and political rights of women in the state, following which the State Legislature adopted these principles in the Constitution of Jammu and Kashmir.
Mr. Saifullah said that State Government has over the years enacted several laws and initiated important measures to empower women and address under-representation of women in various fields. He said besides enjoying equal rights at par with men, special provisions against abuse, violence, hooliganism and other forms of misconduct against women have already been enacted. He said women, who are unable to approach courts due to financial constraints, are entitled for free legal aid and support in any court of the State.
The Minister said women must know that laws and acts exist for their empowerment, upliftment and protection besides they should not consider themselves lower in status in comparison to men, rather they are entitled to every due right in living a life of honour and dignity.
In his presidential address Vice Chancellor, Central University of Kashmir Prof. Abdul Wahid said that promoting gender justice is a lofty objective and every effort in this direction needs to be appreciated.
He said that discrimination, exploitation, dowry deaths, harassment of women at work places, child marriage and female foeticide are happening in the country despite constitutional guarantees for gender equality and various International Declarations and Treaties that exist for protecting women’s rights.
He said mind set of both men and women needs a positive change and institutions of education, media, religion, NGOs, besides Government have a key role to play in promoting gender justice.
Prof. B. B. Pandey former Head and Dean Faculty of Law Delhi University, Prof. Mehraj-ud-Din Mir Head and Dean School of Legal Studies Central University of Kashmir and A. M. Watali, Vice Chairman, Indian Institute of Public Administration (J&K Branch) also addressed the inaugural session and threw light on various aspect of gender justice.
Prof. Mohammad Afzal Zargar, Registrar Central University of Kashmir presented the vote of thanks on the occasion.