Najma wants Farooq to apologise

IMPHAL, Nov 13: Manipur Governor Najma Heptulla today asked former Jammu and Kashmir Chief Minister Farooq Abdullah to apologise to the country for his “irresponsible” statement that PoK belongs to Pakistan.
Abdullah, who is the president of National conference, on Saturday had claimed that Pakistan-occupied Kashmir (PoK) belongs to Pakistan and “this won’t change” no matter how many wars India and Pakistan fight against each other.
His statement comes days after Pakistan Prime Minister Shahid Khaqan Abbasi had rejected the idea of an “independent Kashmir”, saying it was not based on “reality”.
Heptulla said that “Pakistan had occupied PoK illegally in 1948. Kashmir belongs to India both legally, Constitutionally and morally. The agenda of our country is to liberate the PoK.” (UNI)