MSJK flays statement of Khan

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Jan 1: Mission Statehood Jammu Kashmir (MSJK) has flayed the statement of Arif Mohd. Khan, Kerala Governor that Kashmir doesn’t need special status.
In a press conference here today Sunil Dimple, MSJK leader claimed that special status and Instrument of Accession can only protect the rights of youths and people of J&K.
He said: “We are struggling for the restoration of Article 370, special status and Instrument of Accession of J&K State.”
The MSJK leader said that PM package employees, reserved category employees posted in Kashmir, daily wagers and others are agitating day and night in cold.
He also demanded unification of J&K and Ladakh along with PoJK and Gilgit Baltistan.