MPLAD Fund is no donation

This has reference to your news headline ‘Jugal Donates Rs 5 lakh for park in Rajouri’ (DE August 4, 2016). The amount which the Member of Parliament has authorised to be spent is out of MP Local Area Development Fund/Constituency Development Fund  and can’t be termed as ‘donation’. Donation is what one gives out of one’s earnings and fund is not earning of the MP. Fund is public money and MP by virtue of his being elected by public has been entrusted with the responsibility of spending it judiciously to ameliorate  the sufferings  of the people by undertaking development works for public welfare of various localities falling under his constituency.
It may be called ‘allots’ ‘allocates’ but is in no case a donation by the MP as he is not paying the amount from his pocket but is only fulfilling his duty towards the public by spending public money. Naming it as donation conveys a false impression of MP’s benevolence as if the amount is from MP’s personal earnings.
Yours etc…..
Pranav Jandial
Ajit  Colony Extn.
Talab Tillo


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