P.K Mam
Shekespeare in his comedy” As you like it”- wrote about 7 ages of man, which ranges from a puking infant to second childishness, that is old age- which he describes ” sans teeth, sans eyes, sans taste, sans everything”.
It is a reality that time determines the phases of life. At one stage decaying and degenerating process of human life is inevitable, except where one’s life is cut short in young age by the icy hands of death. And with the growing age the energy, blood, flesh etc. gets withered out of weak and fragile body. Resultantly, we are forced to crave for support or dependency on others to ease oldies sufferings to the best possible extent. In brief, if one is physically, financially and mentally fit, he is able to manage existence with less dependency on others on analogy of ‘give and take’ and those lucky one are taken care of by caring children/ selfless service providers in times of need.
Though a senior citizen category leading comfortable life so far, I or many of us are not blind to what is happening around us. Nuclear families having become more or less the order of the day, several senior citizens neglected by their kith and kin, whatever be the reasons are forced to seek refuge in old age homes. In times to come, we shall have to confront such problems. Some may argue that the number of affected class are not very high or they form less percentage, but such reasons do not boil down to the good being of society. Hence, the need for set up of old age homes across the country – with adequate and proper infrastructure e.g. social support system, dedicated helpers, nurses, medical aid, provision of medical insurance cover, helping tools and accessories etc, as an alternate measure assumes great significance.
No doubt, it is incumbent upon Govt to take itself measures to secure the welfare of all its citizens in the State especially those who are in senior category and have entered the unfortunate phase of life. Yet, it is a fact that because of increased number of old age category with the improved condition in health care, the Govt may not find it easy, on its own, to set up Old Age Homes as viable proposition in commercial terms to meet expenses for above venture (here, In Jammu, the pathetic plight of inmates and care providers at Vridah Ashram is an eye opener. The Division Bench of State High Court has already treated the petition made by way of article in DE 10/04/13 as PIL). However, where there is a will, there is a way. Such ventures including for high-end senior communities if launched can throw up vast opportunities for unemployed entrepreneurs.
A workable solution to address the problem, could also be considered , is that our various religious Bodies/ Trusts are managing the huge number of shrines/ maqtabas/ churches/ Gurdwaras , who are receiving substantial funds by way of donation/ charities / deposit of gold, silver ornaments etc voluntarily. To illustrate, some of the prominent religious shrines in our country are as under:
Tirupati Balaji, Mata Vaishnavi Devi, Siddhi Vinayak, Chardam Uttarakhand, Hardiwar, Jama Masjid, Ajmer Shariff, Golden temple, Maha Bodhi temple( Gaya), Bandel church (Calcutta).
Indeed, the money pooled up is used by religious bodies/ trusts for development purposes in society like establishment of educational institutions, universities, hospitals etc. However, religious bodies/ trusts could also divert their own funds for establishment of their respective old aged homes in order to ensure better and dignified habitation of above category in true humane service.
Viewed in this context, the dire need and launch of old age homes with availability of proper infrastructure and at affordable costs by public/ private sectors and by religious shrine Bodies/Trusts will really be a blessing in disguise. Though they might certainly lack the love and care of their near and dear ones, they can feel happy about the availability of all other basic comforts when they opt to live in those communities. There will be more choice for them.