Monitoring welfare scheme

This has reference to the news sitem ‘MPs, Minister for effective monitoring of welfare, development schemes’ DE May 23.
The Governments usually initiate many welfare schemes for people, with great pomp and show. But most of the times people particularly those who live in rural areas do not get benefitted much as they remain unaware of them. This is largely due to the fact that these schemes are not given much publicity in these areas. Sometimes, these schemes remain confined to planners only. This is done, obviously, with malacious intentions to not let others harvest the benefits of a scheme. At times it also happens that the implementing agencies remain indifferent to peoples woes, thus do not bother to implement these schemes with sincerity. In this era of communication and technology, the Government must not feel much constrained to implement a scheme. Besides, there is need to create awareness  among people in rural areas by launching various awareness campaigns. Unless such campaign are launched, the schemes initiated are bound to fail.
Yours etc…
Vinod Kumar Gupta