MLAs’ Report Card

This refers to MLAs’ Report Card column published in the esteemed columns of the Daily Excelsior. The column is an excellent platform for highlighting the grievances of  the public, particularly living in far flung areas of the State.
These people usually remain unheard by their representatives who promise them moon during election time. Once the election process is over, these representatives go missing. While going through the Report Card, one reaches the conclusion that lot needs to be done to improve the lot of these people.
The column has provided an opportunity to the reporters to report from ground zero and highlight grievance of people. Poor road network, lack of medicare facilities and shortage of staff in schools is the common problem of almost all rural areas in the State. It is a wake up call for the Government machinery to do something for these people.
The migration of people from these rural pockets  is attributed to lack of facilities in rural areas. This migration can be checked  to a great extent, if the rural people are provided livelihood and other necessities of life in their own areas.
Yours etc…..
Anita Sharma


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