Migratory birds

Refer news item ‘Migratory birds not settling in Gherana Wetland’ DE Dec 24.
It is a matter which needs to be taken note of by the environmentalists, ornithologists and district administration. There is no doubt that the villagers suffer loses due to presence of these birds in their field, but a way should be found to compensate the villagers for the same. In case that does not happen, the ‘Esteemed guests’ will stop visiting the world famous Gharana Bird Sanctury.
The sanctury will lose its sheen and bird lovers a sheen. These birds provide us an opportunity to watch and study them. Watching them is a treat to eyes. Kids get thrilled on seeing them. The matter pertaining to their harassment by the villagers either by bursting crackers or by any other means has been brought into the notice of the administration several times, but it it did not cut ice with the authorities. It will be a great loss to us in case they stopped visiting this place during winter season to escape harsh winters at their permanent abode. Hopefully we would like to see them in safe environs without being harassed in any manner.
Yours etc….
Naresh K Sharma