Masked attackers destroy security checkpoint in China

BEIJING :   About 100 masked attackers destroyed a security checkpoint in China’s northern region of Inner Mongolia, injuring 13 people and wrecking 11 vehicles, state media said late .    The large mob pepper-sprayed staff, tied them up and threatened to beat them to death, the China News Service said.    The report did not provide a motive for the yesterday attack on the security post in Ejin county and Reuters was unable to reach officials for comment.    Inner Mongolia has seen sporadic unrest over the past few years by ethnic Mongol herders complaining about mining and desertification destroying traditional grazing land, and security is generally tight in the region.    Those demonstrations, though, have been generally peaceful.    Every year, China experiences tens of thousands of “mass incidents”, the usual euphemism for protests, triggered by grievances over corruption, pollution and illegal land grabs.    The events are unnerving to the ruling Communist Party, which is obsessed with the need to maintain stability.  (AGENCIES)


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