BSP supremo Mayawati on Friday said the death of migrant labourers in Aurangabad was a result of the “insensitive attitude” of the Centre and state government and demanded that better arrangements be made for workers returning home.
Sixteen migrant workers sleeping on rail tracks while returning to Madhya Pradesh were crushed to death by a goods train in Aurangabad district of Maharashtra on Friday, police said.
Mayawati also accused the Centre and state governments of ill-treating migrant labourers.
“On Friday, a number of labourers were killed in Maharashtra. This is result of the insensitive attitude of the Centre and State government. Government should give financial help and job to family of such labourers,” the former Uttar Pradesh chief minister said.
“Migrant labourers should be sent to their home through trains and buses. The government is realising money from them by selling tickets while showing mercy to the rich. The wards of rich, who went for coaching and foreign countries for their work, are being provided bus and flights but there are no arrangements for the poor,” she said. (PTI)