Education Department has stirred major shake up in school education by shifting 142 principals and promoting 10 lecturers as in-charge Principals. These shifting have taken place in all three regions of the State. The fact is that promotions in education department had been pending for a long time and stagnation had caused disappointment to deserving, honest and efficient teachers. This was bound to have adverse impact on the quality of education imparted besides efficient functioning of the schools. Teachers affected by stagnation had been making frantic plea but their voice was not heard. A big change in school education has taken place ever since the Chief Minister took the charge of the department.
Education is fast spreading in our state. Primary to Higher Secondary Schools and Colleges are opened in far off and remote areas. The State is set to completely change the literacy map and day is not far off when we will have hundred per cent literacy in the State. Along with this phenomenal expansion, there is need that administration of school education should be compatible with the growth. It has been observed that administrative branches and cells of the department are sill mired in old mindset and refuse to keep step with the changing scenario. We hope that the chief Minister will infuse dynamism in administrative branch of school education and teachers will be restored their dignity and respect by placing right value on the services they render to society. These large scale promotions will go a long way in revitalizing the teaching staff so as to make them fully responsive to the expectations of society.