A sizeable number of emigrants from PoK in London have been active ever since the eruption of insurgency in the Indian part of Kashmir. They were extensively used by ISI in the early phase of Kashmir insurgency and were promised that the uprising was for independence of Kashmir from Indian rule. But when they asked Pakistan Government and ISI if they were also withdrawing from PoK and Gilgit and Baltistan, then the reality dawned upon them that they were being used by ISI for its own motives. Thus with passage of time deep rifts among the entire body of emigrants shaped and they began opposing one another. The general trend today is that most of the emigrants from PoK are disillusioned with Pakistan and its politics of hate India. Bilawal Bhutto PPP who wanted to be the opportunist and steal the show was hooted down. This is significant in view of the fact that PPP is in power in Muzaffarabad where political leadership is divided and fragmented. People of PoK are now distancing themselves from Pakistan with the passing of each day.