LoC flare-up: calmest night after 10 days of firework on border

NEW DELHI : India’s warning to Pakistan of ‘unaffordable’ consequences if it continues adventurism on the borders seems to have gone down well with Pakistani security apparatus as most portions of the International Border in Jammu and Kashmir witnessed the calmest night yesterday in the past ten days of flare-up.
On the other hand situation on the Line of Control is stated to be under control from where there were no reports of any firing since Wednesday, Army sources said. According to sources in the Border Security Force (BSF), no incident of firing was reported along IB in entire Jammu and Samba districts, although Pak rangers attacked four outposts in Kathua district and the Indian side gave a proper response to it. Defence Minister Arun Jaitley has warned Pakistan if it persists with this adventurism on the border, Indian forces will make the cost of this adventurism unaffordable. India’s tough stand came after ten-day border flare-up saw the worst phase of violence in past one decade in which 15 civilians were killed and scores injured on both sides of the divide.
Recent flare-up was triggered on October 1 when a soldier of the Indian Army was killed near Balnoi while patrolling the Line of Control in Mendhar sector.
In Jammu region, most ceasefire violations were reported from a stretch of about 230 km from Rajouri to Poonch, south of the Pir Panjal range. This area is under 16 Corps of the Indian Army while the 15 Corps is looking after the North Pir Panjal area. Army sources said Pakistan Rangers and the terrorist elements tried to exploit the situation arising out of the worst ever floods that ravaged Jammu and Kashmir and the large part of Pakistan-occupied Kashmir.
The fence along the Line of Control in some stretches was washed away and militants, with the active support of Pakistan army, attempted to take advantage of these gaps, sources said. India suffered more causalities as there were more civilians closer to the IB in the Indian side just as the concentration of civilian population closer to the LoC on the Pakistani side was more.
In the past 48 hours, no ceasefire violation has been reported from the Line of Control which begins from a point called Sangam near Akhnoor in Jammu, south of which is the international boundary.