Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, May 23: Legal Metrology Department (LMD) has penalised 83 business operators with a fine of Rs 86,300.
As per official spokesman, on the directions of Controller Legal Metrology RK Katoch, market checking squads of Legal Metrology constituted by Joint Controller Legal Metrology VS Sambyal conducted checking of business operators dealing with meat, poultry, vegetables, fruits, date packets, milk products etc in this holy month of Ramadan in different districts of Jammu Province.
During checking, departmental squads booked 95 business operators, spokesman said, adding that 83 business operators confessed their guilt and their challans have been compounded for Rs 86,300 by the compounding officers of the department, the spokesman added.
About 10 kilograms of rotten vegetables and cheese have been destroyed voluntary by food business operators on the directions of checking squads.