NEW DELHI: Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Friday asked Indians to switch off lights at 2100 hrs on April 5 for nine minutes and light lamps, candles, torches outside their door or balcony of the house to ”end the darkness” and to present a unified face of India during this health crisis.
Addressing the country via a video message, the PM said, ”This Sunday, on April 5, at 9 pm, light a candle, lamp, torch or your phone’s flashlight at your door or balcony for 9 minutes. This will give all of us the confidence that we are not alone in our fight against COVID-19.”
At the same time, he appealed to people not to gather outside their homes and strictly practise social distancing.
“Everyone should follow social distancing during the event,” he said.
Stating that no one in the country is alone in this lockdown, Mr Modi urged the people not to cross the ”Laksham Rekha” of social distancing.
In his video message, the PM lauded the discipline exhibited by Indians during the 21-day lockdown imposed by the government to check the spread of coronavirus.
”Today is the ninth day of the lockdown. The way all 130 crore Indians have come together in this time of crisis is commendable,” the PM said.
Mr Modi termed Janata Curfew a success and said it showed unity of the country to other nations.
“The way you paid gratitude to people fighting against COVID-19 on March 22 has become a model that is being emulated by other countries. Janata curfew and ringing of bells/clanging utensils made the country aware of its unity amid this challenging time,” he said. (AGENCIES)