Lawyers should not show arrogance if queries are put forth to them: Mishra

NEW DELHI: ‘Contempt threat’ by Justice Arun Mishra to senior lawyer, Supreme Court advocates urge judge to be patient in dealing with advocates.

Both Bar and Bench have to maintain court decorum, Advocates Kapil Sibal, Mukul Rohatgi, A M Singhvi, others tell Justice Mishra.

I’m more associated with Bar and I must say that Bar is the mother of Bench said Justice Arun Mishra.
I have not drawn any contempt against any lawyer throughout my career as judge said Justice Arun Mishra.
I am apologising if anybody is aggrieved by anything from the Bench said Justice Arun Mishra.

Lawyers should not show arrogance if queries are put forth to them by Bench says Justice Arun Mishra.
Arrogance is destroying this great institution and Bar has duty to protect it says Justice Arun Mishra. (agencies)


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