Ladakh’s first GI Tag

GI tagging is the most sought after in this competitive world as uniqueness is the hallmark of advertisement in today’s world. Internet has changed the discourse of the world business as distances no longer matter now as e-Marketing companies make sure product is delivered in any part of the world now a days. Right now Jammu and Kashmir have 9 GI tags to its name, 8 from Kashmir and 1 from Jammu. Dynasts for 75 years ensured that nothing goes beyond Kashmir, but things have changed now drastically under present GoI who has ensured no discrimination and equal distribution, who so ever deserves it, will definitely get acknowledgement. It is for sure even majority of public of erstwhile Jammu and Kashmir is not aware of Raktsey Karpo apricot of Ladakh and its unique sweetness. The very fact that this apricot is one of the sweetest apricot on sweetness index which means of best quality and is enough reason for it to get GI tag, first one for Ladakh, and with this tag doors of business world have opened up for the farmers of Ladakh, best value for their product and of course a motivational factor for others to follow. GoI has ensured Ladakh gets the best possible at least now and focus is always there to compensate Ladakh for what they couldn’t get in last 75 years. People of Ladakh are getting their dues as their patience and perseverance has finally paid off. More heartening is the fact that few products of Jammu Division are also in pipeline for GI tagging. The wait has been long, process is tough, there are no shortcuts but one things is for sure GoI is sincere enough putting its best foot forward for betterment of every district, every nook and corner of both the UT’s of Ladakh and Jammu and Kashmir. All we can say is, although justice delayed is justice denied but it’s always better to be late than never.