KPs being main stakeholders be involved in dialogue: YAIKS

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, June 3: Youth All India Kashmiri Samaj (YAIKS) today said that displaced Kashmiri Pandits are eagerly watching as to how their interests will be safeguarded by the Union Government led by Narendra Modi which has taken yet another bold initiative on Kashmir to solve the issue.
The YAIKS, which held a meeting here, today under the leadership of its president, R K Bhat expressed the hope that this time “well guarded steps taken by the Government will prove helpful in handling menace of militancy in the Valley.
He said announcement of unilateral ceasefire during pious month of Ramzan has been well taken by every quarter within and outside the State, more so when it was followed by a decision to initiate a dialogue with main stream parties as well as separatist  Hurriyat Conference”.
The meeting among others was attended by B.K Bhat & Sunil Koul vice presidents, Manoj Handoo general secretary, Ajay Safaya & Sanjay Ganjoo secretaries, D N Bhat, Pushkar Nath Pandita and Bushan Lal Dhar.
Bhat highly acclaimed PM Modi  for taking such  bold and positive measures in solving Kashmir problem once for all. He said YAIKS whole heartedly supports such moves of the Central Government backed by human touch to bring misguided youth into mainstream.  He also appealed people of Kashmir particularly youth to respond to these and other measures of GoI positively and come forward to restore the lost glory of Valley.
He said Pandits being nationalists are the worst sufferers of militancy. They are also awaiting their permanent rehabilitation and settlement for about three decades now. They are living a shattered life and have exhausted their patience. It is hoped that this community will not suffer any more now, he added.
He said apart from taking immediate steps to redress their grievances, they have also to be involved in dialogue as the main Stake-holders being aborigines of the Valley.
The meeting said that the present conditions in Kashmir are deteriorating day by day which is a major concern for the community. The security agencies have been put on high alert. The intelligence inputs are indicating that terrorists may carry out attacks on KP colonies also. So YAIKS warn Government that if anything happens with the employees working in the Valley it will be responsible for that. YAIKS asks Government to shift Valley posted migrant employees immediately to Jammu till the normalcy is restored.