Killing of Amarnath pilgrims widely condemned

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, July 11: Various social and political organizations as well as leaders of ruling and opposition parties of J&K have strongly condemned the yesterday’s terrorist attack on pilgrims of Amarnath Shrine in Anantnag in which seven pilgrims were killed while 32 others were injured.
Minister for Health and Medical Education, Bali Bhagat, Minister for Information Technology, Molvi Imran Raza Ansari, Minister of State for Tourism, Priya Sethi and Minister for Animal Husbandry, Abdul Ghani Kohli, condemned the terror attack on Amarnath pilgrims at Batingu of Anantnag district in Kashmir valley.
Expressing sympathies with the bereaved families, they said that such dastardly acts of violence are handiwork of such elements who are trying to push the State into chaos and create communal wedge between different communities.
“This barbaric act is against the very grain of the Kashmir’s ethos (Kashmiriyat) and I strongly condemn it. In fact, words fail me to express my grief adequately”, former Union Minister, Prof Saifuddin Soz said. He said that he had a feeling that the general run of Kashmiris feels a deep sense of mourning on the assassination of innocent human beings including women. “My heart goes out to the bereaved families who have suffered the pain of this grievous criminality,” he added.
Expressing deep sorrow and grief over the deadly attack on a convoy in which seven yatries were assassinated, J&K Pradesh Congress Committee (JKPCC) president, GA Mir has strongly condemned the attack and described it as shocking, dastardly and highly shameful. Mir offered deepest condolences to bereaved families and prayed for eternal peace to departed souls. Mir also expressed serious concern over the deteriorating law and order situation and termed it as utter failure of the State Government.
A meeting of JKPCC was also organized in Srinagar to condemn the Amarnath killings. The meeting was presided over by MLC Gulam Nabi Monga. Senior party leaders and legislators condemned the attack in strongest words and urged upon the Government to beef up the security of the pilgrims in order to ensure their safety.
Condemning the attack, BJP State spokesman, Brig Anil Gupta said, “BJP shares the nation’s grief in mourning the death of the devotees who were returning after paying obeisance at the holy cave of Shri Amarnath Ji”. While making a fervent appeal for maintaining communal harmony, he said that anger and pain amongst the people is obvious but the need of the hour is not to allow this anger manifest into any form of violence. “Our effort should be to ensure uninterrupted and smooth conduct of the Yatra for which devotees have thronged from across the country”, he added.
Led by BJP vice president, Yudhvir Sethi, members of civil society representing different sections today converged at Diwan Mandir and expressed their grave concern and anguish over attack on pilgrims. Yudhvir Sethi and other members prayed for peace to the departed souls by praying and lighting candles. Expressing his sympathies with families of deceased and injured, Yudhvir Sethi added that every possible help would be extended by the Government to them and those behind this attack will be brought to books by security agencies.
National Panthers Party organized several meetings in J&K, New Delhi and several other places in India condemning most brutal killings of six ladies and one male yatris in Kashmir. A meeting of the party held at Jantar Mantar where several political and social activists condemn the human massacre in J&K and demanded Governor rule in the State. A condolence meeting was also held in Kashmir under the chairmanship of Kashmir provincial president, Farooq Ahmed Dar. The party also held meetings in Uri and Tangdhar and leaders condemn the brutal killings of innocent yatris.
MLA Udhampur, Pawan Gupta, in a press conference organized at Udhampur, condemned the terrorist attack on Amarnath pilgrims at Batingu of Anantnag District in Kashmir Valley. While addressing the media, Gupta said that it is attack on humanity and human values. Gupta said that increase of militancy in Kashmir valley is only due to the soft policies adopted by State Government.
A condolence meeting was organized by the District Udhampur unit of BJP at party’ office at Talab Sallian, under the president ship of Rakesh Gupta, District president. The meeting condole the tragic killings of innocent Amarnath pilgrims by the militants in Anatnag and observed two-minute silence for the peace of departed souls.
RS Chib, former Minister and senior Congress leader, has expressed his shock and anguish over the attack and condemned it strongly. He described the attack most barbaric and cowardly. Chib said that this speaks frustration on the part of the militant outfits since most of their Leaders have been neutralized by our brave security forces in the recent past.
Condemning the attack, Senior Congress leader, MK Bhardwaj, said that the brutal and gruesome attack on Amarnath pilgrims is an attack on the basic tenants of humanity. “This act of barbarism is the handiwork of those who have no faith either in any religion or the values of humanity. This act is strongly condemnable beyond words”, he added.
MLC Naresh Kumar Gupta, president, District Congress Committee, Doda strongly condemned the un-ethical, uncultured, attack on the pilgrims of Shri Amarnath. He described the attack against the humanity and Kashmiri culture. “The terrorists are required to be punished”, he said and criticized the Government for its failure to provide security to the pilgrims.
The Youth wing of Nationalist Congress Party also condemned the brutal attack on the Amarnath pilgrims. Rishi Kaul Kilam, State president NYC, while showing concern and anguish over the attack, said that there are no words to express grief over this unholy happening. He said that NCP students and Youth wing equally share this pain and grief with the families of those who are grief stricken.
Senior PDP leader, Mohd Dilawar Mir and his son, MLA Rafiabad have strongly condemned attack on innocent Amarnath pilgrims near Anantnag. Expressing their shock and grief over the killing of some yatris in the gruesome incident, the father-son duo said that it was a most barbaric act, which is against the tenants of Islam and Kashmiryat.
A meeting of senior office bearers of NCP was held under the chairmanship of Thakur Randhir Singh, NCP State president, wherein party leaders strongly condemned the terror attack on Amarnath pilgrims. The meeting unanimously passed a resolution demanding the country’s Parliament to declare Pakistan a terrorist state and prayed Almighty God to rest the souls of those killed in the attack in peace and give strength to their relatives.
State president, Shri Ram Sena, Rajiv Mahajan strongly condemned the dastardly attack by terrorists on Shri Amarnath pilgrims. Expressing his solidarity with the families of deceased pilgrims, Rajiv Mahajan prayed Almighty to grant peace to the departed souls and courage to the bereaved family to bear this irreparable loss. He asked Centre as well as State Government to take strong action against the perpetrators responsible for the attack.
Jammu Regional Committee of CPI[M] strongly condemned the attack on Amarnath Yatris by the militants. Sham Prasad Kesar, Regional secretary of the party, today expressed sympathies with the families of victims. Kesar also appealed to the people to maintain peace and communal harmony.
PDP youth leader, Vikram Singh Bhadwal, organized a prayer meeting for the pilgrims killed in terror attack, at Prade.  The prayer meeting was followed by two minutes silence in honour of the bravehearts of our martyrs and for early recovery who were fighting for their lives in hospital. Condemning tha attack, Vikram said this it testing time and appealed all to beware of people who want to create communal tension in our State.
The gruesome militant attack on Amarnath Pilgrims was highly condemned by Nation Democtaric Party of India. Jaswant Singh Jamwal, State Co-ordinator, in a statement said that this is total failure on the part of security forces and requested the Government to take strong action against the culprits.
Smajwadi Party Migrant Cell president Inder Ji Labroo has also strongly condemned the attack on pilgrims and expressed his heart-felt condolences with the family members of the deceased pilgrims.
Senior JD (U) leader in Udhampur, Mohni Mohan also condemned the killings of Amarnath pilgrims and expressed sympathies with the families of the deceased.
NDP members led by State president, Ravi Bakshi, also condemned the terror attack on pilgrims. They said that it is a failure of the Government and demanded a fair probe into the security lapse, which led to killing of pilgrims.
While strongly condemning the attack on Amarnathji pilgrims, Peoples Democratic Front (PDF) president and MLA Khansahib Hakim Mohammad Yasin today said this is an assault on values and traditions of Kashmir. He said, “Kashmir is known for its communal harmony and has always welcomes the pilgrims with open arms. The attack on pilgrims is an assault on our secular traditions. Words fall short to condemn such a shameful act.”
The State chairman, J&K Human Rights Watch, BL Kapoor, has strongly condemned terror attack on Amarnath pilgrims. Describing the attack as cowardice, he said that such type of actions by militants have been continued together in J&K which is shocking and unfortunate. All the executive body members also condemned that attack.
Duggar Pradesh Party strongly condemned the killing of Amarnath pilgrims and described it the failure of the successive leadership of the country to fight against the ongoing war forced by the Pakistan since 1989. Uday Chand, president of the Party said our leaders have become habitual in condemning such incidents and now saying they have no words to condemn it. After every incident, they started waiting the next one.
All India Congress Committee Vichar Vibhag also condemned the killing of Amarnath yatries in terror attack and termed the incident as a cowardly act of the militants. While expressing concern over the incident, Ashok Sharma, Coordinator, said that such a situation has arisen in J&K that President of India needs to take serious consideration and take necessary steps to protect the lives of innocent civilians.
The executive committee of Kashmir Chamber of Commerce and Industry today took out a silent march from Chamber office, Residency Road to Press Enclave, to condemn the blood shedding of human being and demand time bound probe by a Supreme Court judge in the attack on the tourist bus.
Dogra Sadar Sabha (DSS) held an emergent meeting of its core group and members of the All Jammu Civil Society Forum (AJCSF) and condemned the cowardly act of killing unarmed pilgrims. In strong words, Thakur Gulchain Singh Charak called it a total failure of the Government and an unpardonable blunder lapse of the security forces.
Kashmiri Samiti Delhi, Lajpatnagar, has highly condemned the dastardly act by the militants in which seven pilgrims were killed and several injured. The Samiti resolved that the culprits be brought to the books and punished severely.
Condemning the terrorist attack, All Parties Migrants Coordination Committee (APMCC) sought NIA probe to fix the responsibility of the security lapse that resulted in killing of seven pilgrims. Terming the act as slackness and conspiracy of the local administration, APMCC chairman sought attaching of all the people related with the security of Amarnath pilgrims.
In a joint meeting Sikh organizations that held here under the chairmanship of Dayal Singh Wazir, president, Shiromani Akali Dal, J&K, Wazir said that these types of attacks on the innocent people will not be tolerated and appealed the State Government to take all the safety measures to safeguard the lives and property of the innocent people visiting the state so that this type of incident does not take place in future.
Dogra Brahman Pratinidhi Sabha, Parade, condemned the attack and described it as cowardly act in a meeting of the Sabha held under the presidentship of Ved Parkash Sharma. The meeting demanded that those anti-national elements involved in the killings should not be spared at any costs. Prominent among those present in the meeting were V M Magotra, Advocate P C Sharma, Nanak Chand Sharma, Chander Moha Sharma, Madan Lal Sharma and Satyanand Sharma.
All India Backward Classes Union in its meeting under its president Abdul Majid Malik strongly condemned militant attack on Bus of Amarnath Yatris and held State and Central Governments responsible for this irreparable loss. All Central committee members of AIBCU including Joginder Singh, Santokh Chand, S Rajinder Singh, T R Chargotra, Mhd Rashid, M R Bangotra, Prof Kali Dass, Darshan Lal, Brij Mehra and others also shared their views.
All Jammu Kashmir Panchayat Conference (AJKPC) also strongly condemned the cowardly terror attack on unarmed and innocent Amarnath pilgrims in Kashmir Valley and urged the Government of India to take strict measures to deal with terrorism in the State. In a statement issued here, AJKPC president, Anil Sharma, described the attack as “act of cowardice” which needs to be condemned by one and all.
Public Opinion Forum (POF) condemned in strong words the cowardice terror attack on Amarnath pilgrims and demanded adequate compensation to the victims. The POP members, who met under the chairmanship of president Parveen Sharma, also resolved to convey their concern to the Government on worsening law and order situation in Kashmir Valley. The members were of the opinion that if State Human Rights Commission (SHRC) can ask the Government for compensation of Rs 10 lakh to Farooq Ahmed Dar for being tied by an Army officer to the bonnet of a jeep, the pilgrims deserve much higher compensation.
All India Anti Terrorist Front also strongly condemned the cowardly terror attack on the innocent pilgrims. Bharat Bhandari, president of the Front said that it is the high time to take strict action against the anti-National forces nestled in Kashmir Valley. All the Front members in one voice said, “Terrorists should be treated as terrorists only and the only reply to a terrorist is bullet”.
In a meeting, Welfare Society Guru Nanak Nagar Jammu today condemned the inhuman act of militants in attacking the innocent pilgrims of Amarnath Yatra in most cowardice manner with has led to loss of seven lives and has left many injured. The society also prayed for the departed souls and expressed condolences.
The terror attack on Amarnath pilgrims was also condemned by Concerned Citizens Group, which expressed its deepest condolences to the bereaved families. “We are not going to be cowed down by such acts of cowardice which only strengthens our resolve to find resolution of issues, however complicated, through peaceful means and through the democratic process of dialogue”, the Group said in a statement.
J&K Ex-Services League also strongly condemned the ghastly attack by the Lashkar-e-Taiba on Amarnath Yatris. In a statement, president of the League, Maj Gen Goverdhan Singh Jamwal, said, “Such acts will not discourage the pilgrimage which will continue with full devotion without fear”.
Shamsher Hakla Poonchi, a prominent Gujjar leader strongly condemned the killing of Amarnath Yatris by the militants in Kashmir valley. He said that present J&K Govt headed by Mehbooba Mufti has failed in maintaining peace among the State.
Inmates of Jagti Township held a protest rally today to strongly condemn the dastardly act by the terrorists of killing 7 innocent Amarnath yatris yesterday.
Muslim Federation Jammu held a meeting under the chairmanship of its president Abdul Majid to condemn the brutal attack on the yatris of Baba Amarnath Ji. The meeting among others was attended by HA Sidiqui, Gh Ahmed Khwaja, Master Akram, Mohd Sasleem Khan and Parvaiz Malik.
Shri Amarnath Ji Yatri Welfare Society under the chairmanship of its president, Kiran Wattal held a meeting to condemn the brutal killing of innocent Amarnath yatris. Wattal described the act not only gruesome, but also brutal, barbaric and satanic too.
Kashmiri Pandit Sangarash Samiti (KPSS) condemned the inhuman act of killing of seven Amaranth Yatries by the militants. “The brutal attack on the religious pilgrims is aimed to create chaos among the minds of minorities living in Kashmir Valley and overall Majority Community living in India that Kashmir is no more a safe for them”, KPSS said in a statement.
Thakur K P Singh, chairman, Raj Tilak Celebration Committee along with others, condemned yesterday’s dastardly terror attack on innocent Amaranath Yatris. He said that such cowardly acts of aggression on innocents are a big blot on humanity. He appealed security forces to capture the terrorists alive and show them what does a death means to a human being.
Bharat Vikas Parishad, Jammu East today held executive meeting under the chairmanship of its president, Jyotsna Sharma, during which terror attack on Amarnath pilgrims was condemned strongly. Two minutes silence was observed for peace to the soul of the deceased pilgrims.
President, Beopar Mandal, Udhampur, Ramanand Baria along with Ved Pammi and Paramveer Gupta also strongly condemned the killing of Amarnath pilgrims by the terrorists. They demanded the Government to conduct a probe into the security lapse, which led to this terror attack.
Media XI Cricket Club Jammu has strongly condemned the attack on innocent Amarnath pilgrims at Anantnag. In a statement issued here, Mir Imran, skipper of the Cricket Club, said that attack on innocent pilgrims is act of cowardice and against human values. He said that attack is against humanity and those involved in such inhuman act should be given exemplary punishment.
Ch Kamal Singh, president Jat Kalyan Sabha has also condemned the attack and urged the Central and State Governments for fool proof security measures for Shri Amarnath pilgrims and others.
National United Front, a registered NGO, in its meeting held under the chairmanship of its patron-in-chief Vijay Mahajan and attended by all the executive members strongly condemned the attack on innocent pilgrims and appealed the authorities at the helm of affairs.
Shri Bawa Bhair Dev Sthan Trust in its meeting under the chairmanship of Bawant Singh while condemning the attack described it as an act of cowardice and appealed all for maintaining communal amity and brotherhood.
Association of Industries Gangyal, Jammu held an emergency meeting under the chairmanship of its President Rajesh Jain to condemn the dastardly attack on Amarnath Yatris yesterday.
“This act of cowardice of killing innocent yatris is against the spirit of ‘Kashmiriyat’ and the very essence of Islam,” Mr Jain said.
Chamber of Traders Federation held a meeting under the chairmanship of Neeraj Anand,, its president today to condemn the violence perpetrated by organized terrorists on hapless victims of Baba Amarnath Ji Pilgrimage yesterday.
All India Kashmiri Samaj today condemned the cowardly terrorist attack on Amaranth Yatris yesterday.  It stated that the dastardly attack is even more reprehensible because the target of the attack was chosen knowing very well that the bus contained unarmed and innocent Hindu pilgrims who were on a religious pilgrimage to the holy cave.
In an emergency meeting of DBPS held under the president-ship of Ved Parkash Sharma, Dogra Brahman Pratinidi Sabha Parade today condemned the attack on the Amarnath Pilgrims and described it as cowardly incident.
Shri Bawa Bhair Dev Sthan Trust in a meeting held today under the chairmanship of Balwant Singh expressed shock over the killing of eight pilgrims in militant attack in Anantnag in the valley last evening and strongly condemned this cowardly incident.
Sharika Peeth Sansthan led by its president M K Jalai in a meeting here, today strongly condemned the dastardly act of terrorists and demanded stern action against them.
Kashmiri Minority Conference (KMC) chief Prof G K Muju has also strongly condemned the killing of Amarnath yatris by terrorists and termed it an act against humanity.
Kashmiri Hindu Conference (KHC) chief and convener Advocate M L Thusoo and P L Koul Badgami respectively have also strongly condemned this dastardly act and termed the attack on yatris a major security lapse on part of Government.
BJP Displaced District in a meeting here, today held under the chairmanship of Chand Ji Bhat has strongly condemned the attack on pilgrims and warned Pakistan to desist from such heinous acts.