Khidmat Centre professionals demand jobs

Khidmat Centre Professionals staging protest in Srinagar on Tuesday. —Excelsior/Shakeel
Khidmat Centre Professionals staging protest in Srinagar on Tuesday. —Excelsior/Shakeel

Excelsior Correspondent
Srinagar, Jan 28: Continuing their protest in order to press the Government to absorb them permanently, the Khidmat Centre Professionals today said that they will protest at Delhi’s Jantar Mantar if their demands are not met.
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Talking to the media persons on the side-lines of a protest demonstration held at the Press Enclave, Tehseen Hussain President Khidmat Centre Association (J&K) said that the Government as well as the J&K Bank administration has been callous in fulfilling their demands.
He said that over 1000 professionals are there whose careers are at stake due to the non-serious attitude of the Government which has been cutting a sorry figure and has been running away from their genuine demands.
Tehseen also said that the association will continue their protest and if need arises they will also hold protest demonstration at Delhi’s Jantar Mantar.
“We have been playing vital role in the works of the bank and due to our efforts, the bank has reached to new heights, but we are being side-lined as if we are nobody; if a matriculate can be adjusted in the bank why not these many post graduates,” he asked.
The president also threatened that they will carry on self-immolation bids at the Bank’s headquarters if nobody pays heed to their demands.
It is pertinent to mention here that the Khidmat Centre Professionals of J&K are protesting for last more than 30 days, demanding permanent absorption in the Bank for their services for last so many years.