O.P. Sharma & Dr Gurdev Singh
Name of the Book : The New Digital Age: Reshaping the Future of People, Nations and Business
Authors : Eric Schmidt, Executive Chairman, Google & Jared Cohen, Director Google Ideas
Publisher : John Murray Publishers, London: Printed in India by Gopsons Papers Ltd., Noida
Year of Publication : 2013
Price : Rs 650
‘The New Digital Age’ subtitled as ‘Reshaping the Future of People, Nations and Business’,authored by two leading thinkers- Eric Schmidt, Executive Chairman of Google and Jared Cohen, Director of Google Ideas, is the widely welcomed book that describes a new, hugely connected world of the future, full of both challenge and benefits to humanity.
The proliferation of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) has advanced at an unprecedented speed and through the power of this technology, the age- old obstacles to human interaction, like geography, language and limited information are falling and a new wave of human creativity and potential is increasing. Mass adoption of the Internet is driving one of the most exciting social, cultural and political transformations in history ,and unlike earlier periods of change, this time the effects are fully global. It is a remarkable point that never before in history have so many people from so many places having diverse socio-economic and cultural backgrounds, had so much power to extract, organize, store, retrieve, disseminate, explore, communicate and interact at their finger-tips.
New Digital Era
‘The New Digital Age’ is thought provoking volume starting with a simple, powerful and terrifying observation that ” the Internet is among the few things humans have built that they don’ truly understand”- this fascinating book takes one on a wonderfully stimulating and important journey. It will make one rethink his/her concepts of the digital age, the way the world works, what lies ahead and what all this means.
‘The New Digital Age’ is the product of an unparalleled collaboration yet written about how the digital age will affect our world. In the first decade of the 21st Century the number of people connected to the Internet worldwide increased tremendously from 350 million to more than two billion and still this increase graph is going up rapidly. The figure of Mobile Phone subscribers reveal the trend from 750 million to over six billions till date. Analyzing the current pace of technological trendy innovation, it is assumed that most of the projected eight billion people on the planet the Mother Earth will be online.
The authors vividly envision that at every level of society, connectivity will continue to become more affordable and practical in substantial ways. People will have access to ubiquitous wireless Internet Networks that are many times cheaper than they are at present. Man will be more efficient, more productive and more creative. In the developing world public wireless hotspots and high-speed home networks will reinforce each other, extending the online experience to places where people today don’t have even land line phones. Societies will leapfrog the future generation of technology.
Trendy Figures
The recent advances reveal that as adoption of the ICT tools increases so will their speed and computer power too. Moore’s Law, the rule of thumb in the technology industry tells that processor chip- the small circuit boards that form the backbone of every computing device- double in speed every 18 months. That means a computer in 2025 will be 64 times faster than it is in 2013.
A Must Reading
This 320-page book is a must reading for every enlightened citizen to understand the trends of the digital technology to put India on the fast-track growth path. The Prime Minister, Narendra Modi has given the call for ‘Digital India’ and so the country has to move forward on this new frontier of technology. The Jammu and Kashmir State too must adopt and promote digital technology for e-Governance, clean and efficient administration for ushering in new era of rapid progress and prosperity to keep pace with rest of the world.
The book like the one under review must be procured and made available in the libraries of the educational institutions and the Public Libraries for study by the administrators, planners, intellectuals as well as by the politicians. The new technology holds key to our future and such books are crucial.
(Starline Syndicate Service)