Katra town, peripheries crying for development: Saraf

Excelsior Correspondent

KATRA, Oct 7: Independent candidate from Katra Municipal Committee, Saraf Singh Nag today said that Katra town and its peripheral panchayats are crying for development for the last four years but all in vain.
He said this during a one-day convention of his workers which was conducted at Katra. The workers drawn from Katra town and surrounding panchayats participated in the conference and highlighted various problems and local issues.
During the meet, people complained that people of Katra town and nearby panchayats are craving for even basic amenities like electric power, drinking water and proper roads while the lanes and drains are in shambles.
They said condition of old bazaar, which is a heritage site, is in such dilapidated condition that it is very difficult to ply over it. “Due poor drainage in the town, the flooded nallahs often overflow into the houses and hearths of the people. There many wards in world famous katra town where there is insufficient electricity and water supply”, they added.


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