Kashmir Saffron gets international recognition

In a major development, Kashmir saffron has been selected to get international recognition , about which proper announcement was recently made by the Advisor to the Governor Farooq Khan during inauguration of Cocoon Auction Market at Directorate of Sericulture Srinagar. Despite the saffron fields not getting timely rains the crop needs at critical time and the efforts of the government in providing water for irrigation through bore wells etc not being adequate and due to other problems, the quality and the texture of Kashmiri saffron has been maintained as before, the credit of which must go to farmers for the conventional and modern methods of growing the prized crop.
With the GI registration for Kashmiri saffron, a big push to its sales and marketing not only across the country but at international level is expected which will greatly benefit the growers as well as those engaged in its trade. A prelude to this achievement was Jammu and Kashmir government taking up the issue with government of India which took keen interest in the issue and the GI tag was obtained. Likewise, Kashmiri silk , walnuts, fruits etc too would be recognised worldwide since the government was committed to get such branding for Kashmiri products.