Jora opposes Special Recruitment Ordinance

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, Apr 20: Congress Legislature Party leader Rigzin Jora today strongly opposed the decision of the State Cabinet to enact the Special Recruitment Ordinance 2015.
“The previous Government too had gone in for this kind of an experiment only to withdraw after facing opposition from the educated unemployed youth of the State”, Mr Jora said, adding “short term solution for political expediency is no solution and Government must focus on strengthening the recruitment agencies”.
“This Ordinance will come as a rude shock to the increasing number of educated unemployed who were given hopes and promises both by the Mufti Sayeed and Prime Minister”, the CLP leader said, adding the recruitment at the district level would have been welcomed had it been proposed for regular recruitment and not contractual”.
“The Ordinance will also deal a severe blow to the STs and SCs as recruitment on similar lines as done in Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan did not provide for any reservations for them”, he said, adding “there are apprehensions that this Ordinance will give reservation a quite go-bye unless the concerned ministers in the Coalition Government assert themselves and ensure that constitutional rights of the STs and SCs are protected”.
Stating that real reason for going in for the Ordinance is the financial crunch that the State is facing, Mr Jora said, “despite huge claims of the Finance Minister the fact remains that State is facing financial crunch as expected flow of funds is not forthcoming”, adding “the claims of better funding under the new scheme of financing is beginning to prove hollow”.