JKSAC’s plea to DPs

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, Mar 21:  The Jammu Kashmir Sharnarthi Action Committee (JKSAC) has appealed to Displaced Persons of 1947 from PoK that while applying for Rs 5.5 lakhs as relief they should make an endorsement at the top of application form that the amount is being accepted as the first installment of relief but not final, to convey a clear  message to both State and Central Govt.
Gurdev Singh, state president of the JKSAC said that in statements issued by senior BJP leader Dr Jatinder Singh,  Minister in PMO on  February 11, 2017, at Kathua had stated that Rs 2000 crore is the first installment. But this move of the Govt is  confusing and absolutely contrary to the order issued by Ministry of Home Affairs regarding the disbursement of package.
Singh said  that statement made by BJP leaders as appeared in section of press from time to time regarding the package as the first installment have created confusion among DP’s which needs clarification at the first instance  from the higher authorities in the Govt, particularly from Union Home Minister Raj Nath Singh. He said that if the Govt’s intentions are sincere and clear then they should not hesitate to decide the quantum of relief compensation for each DP category separately taking into account their loss of lives and properties in the light of recommendation made by JPC.
He further said that the Govt is conveyed in very clear terms that this tiny amount can never be considered as one time settlement as appears from the language of the said order. The Govt has been approached many times to spell out the contours of one time settlement but their silence over the issue particularly lacking clarification regarding the total quantum of relief is condemned. He expressed his anguish for overlooking the most significant component of package of reservation for wards of DP’s in State and Central Govt services / technical institutions as recommended by the State Govt and JPC.