Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Mar 8: All India Jammu and Kashmir Bank Officers’ Association (JKBOA) in a memorandum submitted to Managing Director and CEO of J&K Bank Baldev Prakash has alleged non-transparency in promotion of officers of the Bank.
“The career progression process initiated for promotions among different cadres of officers of the Bank is underway and results of two such cadres have been declared whereby officers from Scale IV have been promoted to Scale V and officers from Scale I have been promoted to Scale II,” the Association said while adding that the two results declared so far have rendered many top performing officers dropped from the list which is a matter of serious concern.
The Association members said as responsible union of officers, they have been asking for making public the career progression policy many a times but till date no such policy was made public and the career progression process was carried without sharing any such policy with the stake holders and result of all such policy crises is that all of sudden new rules were framed to select and reject officers for promotions.
The lack of transparency in the entire process can be understood from the fact that neither the selected ones nor the rejected ones know the basis of their selection or rejection respectively, they added.
“Although nothing is in public arena regarding conduct of all this process due to lack of transparency but it has been speculated by many that APR marks were considered as merit deciding basis which was never ever done before in the Bank as the APR system in the Bank is totally vague and subjective in nature without any structured format or scientific criterion to decide for merit of candidature of any officer in the Bank,” the Association asserted.