J&K known for warmth and hospitality

Dark clouds hovering over this beautiful part of the country for nearly four decades due to extreme hostilities from across the order by known fiendish forces and elements notwithstanding , people of Jammu and Kashmir are traditionally known for extending warmth and hospitality and , needless to add, they by doing so are deriving satisfaction from nurturing such a cherished culture. Even in gravest challenges of different hues, there has been no dearth in it, not in the least.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi duly noting it, has in a tweet congratulated the people of the Union Territory for extending their traditional warmth and hospitality to as many as 1.62 crore of tourists, all times high and a record of sorts, who visited various parts of the UT particularly the paradise on earth- the Kashmir valley. This compliment is meant for all sections of the society- trade, commerce, hotels and restaurants, transport, House Boats and Shikara owners, tourist agents as also the Tourism Department, the Police and other agencies of the Government. The tweet of the PM notwithstanding, visiting of 1.62 crore visitors and facing no hassles is a big indicator of normalcy fast returning to the UT, though the scourge of militancy cannot be claimed to have been fully wiped off and fully finished as yet.