JAMMU : The Jammu and Kashmir government has framed a roadmap for generation of 9,000 MW hydro power by 2021, Minister of State for Power Vikar Rasool told the Legislative Assembly today.
Responding to the supplementaries raised by some members to the main question by Prof Gharu Ram in the House, the Minister said the government has framed a roadmap for generation of 9000 MW hydro power during the 12th and 13th Plan in the state.
He said that in this regard, J&K Hydro-Electric Projects Development Policy 2011 has been notified to encourage participation of the private sector.
Rasool said with the implementation of the policy, a roadmap envisaging addition of around 9000 MW power by up to 2021 has been drawn up to increase the generation capacity.
Under Rajiv Gandhi Grameen Vidyutikaran Yojana, upgrading of power infrastructure in all districts, especially in rural and hilly areas, received focused attention, the Minister said.
He said by initiating reformative measures, transmission and distribution losses of power has been reduced to a large extent in the state, adding that improvement for laying LT/HT lines besides installation of transformers and construction of receiving stations received focused attention of the government, especially in rural areas under Rajiv Gandhi Grameen Vidyutikaran Yojana.
He said the second phase would be implemented in the state soon after the approval by the Centre.
Equal attention is being given to address the electricity problems in all constituencies of the state, the Minister said, adding that the concerns of the members would be met on priority.
Replying to the main question, he said power infrastructure in R S Pura towns would be upgraded under Restructured Accelerated Power Development and Reforms Programme, adding that a project report of Rs 13.12 crore in this regard has been submitted to the Centre for approval.
The focus of the Restructured Accelerated Power Development and Reforms Programme is on actual, demonstrable performance in terms of sustained loss reduction.
The town has also been selected as Pilot Town under the programme, the Minister said, adding that in this regard ring fencing installation of digital and panel meters are being completed during this fiscal. (AGENCIES)