J&K admin sheltering corrupt BJP leaders: Harshdev

JKNPP chairman Harshdev Singh addressing press conference at Jammu.
JKNPP chairman Harshdev Singh addressing press conference at Jammu.

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Jan 31: JKNPP chairman and former Minister Harshdev Singh today said that the present dispensation in J&K is sheltering the corrupt leaders of BJP while taking action against leaders of other parties.
“With rampaging corruption having crossed all limits in J&K, the local administration and anti corruption bodies seem to have granted immunity to the offenders and wrongdoers in view of the political clout enjoyed by them. And all this notwithstanding the loud snubs that the administration has been receiving from the courts as well as the civil society,” stated Harshdev while addressing a press conference, here today.
Pointing towards the illegal usurping of Government premises including ministerial bunglows by the BJP leaders, Singh said that such unauthorized occupation of public premises provided the most glaring example of political corruption. And the nexus between the corrupt officers and politicians was evident from the fact that no action had been taken to evict them despite categoric orders of the High Court.
He said that several reports of corruption and malpractices against the BJP leaders had been thrown into the dustbin by the present dispensation and anti graft bodies working under the tutelage of their New Delhi masters. While an NC leader’s son was booked for J&K Bank fraud, the BJP leaders having executed an identical fraud by declaring their huge loan from the same Bank as NPA, were allowed to go scot free.
“Likewise, several Ex-Ministers and Ex-MLAs of BJP had usurped huge State land, Forest lands besides Municipality and JDA lands but seemed to have been granted immunity with none to take cognizance. It was amazing to see the BJP having shut its mouth over the Roshni scam after its own MLAs were found involved in the nasty deals”, rued Singh.
Pointing towards the illegal appointments made in J&K Bank and Health, Power, PHE and Industries Departments, during the BJP-PDP rule, Singh regretted the patronage provided to the corrupt elements by the administration and anti graft bodies. He regretted that neither the said backdoor appointments were rescinded nor any politician booked for the scandalous appointments.