Jammu West Assembly Movement activists protest against China 

Excelsior Correspondent

Jammu West Assembly Movement activists protesting against China at New Plots on Wednesday.

JAMMU, July 24: Braving heavy rains the activists of  Jammu West  Assembly Movement held a demonstration against the China for its fresh intrusion in Ladakah.
The protestors warned China against intrusion in the State and said that a strong message has been sent to China that people of the country will not tolerate the Chinese highhandedness any more.
The rally was also against the Pak sponsored terrorism and the Pakistan which is aiding and abetting terrorism and attacks on the security forces and killing of the Army men in the State.
The flags and effigies of the China and its Prime Minister were burnt by the protestors.
Addressing the protestors, Sunil Dimple president Jammu West Assembly Movement said the Indo – China talks are going on in the capital. He urged the Prime Minister Dr Manmohan Singh to tell and send the clear massage to Chinese Prime Minister in clear words that no intrusion will be tolerated by India in the J&K.
Dimple said that the Prime Minister of China should be asked in unequivocal terms to quit Indian land. In the last one week the China troops did 5 times the incursion in Indian territory,  broke the CCTV cameras, came on the back of the horses and took confrontation with our Army forces.
Dimple said that the China desires to start the war with India and there is war like situation on the LAC in Ladakh. “We are ready for any situation, war and the Prime Minister of India should take us, the people of the country in to the confidence and give benefiting reply to the china’’, he added.