Jammu region is strongly expressing its resentment against and distrust of the State Public Service Commission. This Commission recommends appoint of Government servants of gazetted cadres and as such is a very sensitive and responsible organization as it has direct dealing with the public. Complaints against this organization are of various types like unauthorized appointment/deployment of staff under “consultancy” regime, holes in transparency management, discriminatory treatment to the candidates of Jammu region and hush-hush manner of interviews, short-listing of candidates, issuance of selection letters and numerous other things. It is widely believed that there is a core group of functionaries that has developed nexus with the clear objective of undermining the rights and claims of the candidates from Jammu region. The entire staff at sensitive places including two consultants who have been given extension after extension in total disregard and violation of the directions from GAD casts serious aspersions on the honesty and fairness of the functionaries. What is more, the PSC authorities absolves himself of the responsibility of transferring the functionaries at sensitive positions by arguing that he has written to the Government and that there is paucity of honest and incorruptible officers.
The truth is the reverse of this statement. Insiders have many stories to tell and the two consultants are reported to be performing such tasks as are outside the legal jurisdiction of their posts. We are told that the transparency is fragile to the extent that official secrets are known to both the consultants and not the PSC officials. Non appointment of the Controller of Examination is a deliberate act and there is absolutely no justifiable reason of deferring filling of this sensitive post.
Jammu citizenry is furious on blatantly discriminatory policy of the PSC. Jammu region’s representation in services is dwindling and that of the majority community in the State is ever on increase. Many public leaders and social figures in Jammu have expressed their deep concern on this situation and they demand that the PSC be overhauled, justifiable representation given to all the three regions in its cadres from top to bottom and make it a real trans-regional organization without prejudice and bias. We hope the Government will listen to these warning shorts with open ears and clear vision about what it portends.