Jammu cries for ‘healing touch’

Apropos  to the article ‘Jammu cries for ‘healing touch’ by K.B.Jandial  in the D.E 18th May,2015 and subsequent letters to the editor by  H.R.Phonsa DE 20th instant and  I. C. Jandial in DE 22nd instant. All the three learned persons are widely known in Jammu and Kashmir circles. The worries and aims of all of them are the same and that is ignoring claims of Jammuites by the administration and political masters for 67 years .To arrest this discriminatory approach  Jammuites aligned behind the party BJP: which claimed to remove all disparities with them, if voted to power. The dreams of Jammuites were realized when their party of choice won 25 seats. This was beyond all dreams. Jammuites were jubiliant  when coalition  of PDP and BJP was formed. This joyous atmosphere was short lived when Jammuites  were again denied their  right to have AIIMS, artificial Lake and such other  projects.  K.B. Jandial successfully pleaded for Jammuites in his article. H. R. Phonsa added that Jandial’s   article would have been a complete reading had he also condemned the New Recruitment policy ignoring reservation rights of SCs, STs and OBCs. Jammu province population jointly voted’ for BJP. But in matter of recruitments and reservation in services these people were segregated to face Government alone. Already over a lakh of persons under different heads were recruited in J&K with out applying Reservation Rules.  Through out India reservation in services were  available even before Independence was won.
The write up of  I. C. Jandial DE 22nd instant “The main purpose of article was to focus on the miseries of Jammuites as a whole and not of a particular community be it elite or backward one”. If  I.C. Jandial does not consider problems of Jammu province major chunk of population SC’s (16.84%) STs (18.17%) and OBC’s( 27%)  any problem worth discussing  as a part of whole Jammuites problems it is unfortunate. To make Jammu strong every body will have to be cared. Joining hands by all Jammuites  is the result that BJP is part of ruling dispensation  today in J&K.
Yours etc…
Ajit Kumar Vashishath