Jaitley backs CJI Gogoi, cautions against ‘institution destabilisers’

NEW DELHI: In the wake of sexual harassment allegations leveled on CJI Ranjan Gogoi, Finance Minister Arun Jaitley said on Sunday if those who peddle falsehood to destroy the institution are not dealt with in an exemplary manner, the trend will only accelerate.

”But let it be remembered that this is not the first case of the ‘institutional destabilizers’ nor will it be the last. If those who peddle falsehood to destroy the institution are not dealt with in an exemplary manner, this trend will only accelerate,” said Mr Jaitley in his blog ‘It’s Time to Stand up With the Judiciary’.

Lending shoulder to completely unverified allegations coming from a disgruntled person with a not-so-glorious track record is aiding the process of destabilisation of the institution of the Chief Justice of India, he said.

Mr Jaitley said India has witnessed a series of attacks by the ‘institution disruptors’ against judges who are unwilling to agree with them. (AGENCIES)