Jadhav was never arrested from Balochistan: Marri

KARACHI: A prominent Baloch leader Hyrbyair Marri has claimed that the Indian citizen Kulbhushan Jadhav was never arrested from his province and actually he was abducted from Iran by the Pakistani state-sponsored religious proxies and handed over to Pakistani forces.

“The Indian citizen Jadhav was never arrested from Balochistan. He was, in fact, abducted from Iran by Pakistani state-sponsored religious proxies and handed over to Pakistani forces. There have been numerous such incidents in the past where religious extremists abducted Baloch refugees in Afghanistan or on their way to Afghanistan and sold them to ISI and army,” said Marri.

“In the late 70s and the 80s element of Pakistan-backed Taliban killed innocent Marri Baloch refugees, severed their heads from the body and took pictures to get head money from ISI and the Pakistani army,” he added.

“If Pakistan can disrespect an elderly woman who travelled from India to visit her son then it should not need rocket science to imagine what the Baloch prisoners, including women and children, go through at Pakistan army’s secret and illegal detention centres,” Marri said.

Underscoring the existence of the secret torture cells in Pakistan, Marri said, “Even a Pakistani Senator Farhatullah Babar recently said that “there were secret torture cells operating throughout the Pakistan.”

The Pakistani media quoted him as saying, “no one, including Parliament and Supreme Court, knows about how many such torture cells are present, the number of people that are present there and the number of people that have died during interrogation.



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