Investigating agencies go slow against accused cops

Nishikant Khajuria
JAMMU, Feb 1: The investigating agencies in Jammu and Kashmir apparently become too slow when it comes to a probe against their own `Khakimen’, who are charged for misuse of their official position or corruption.
This is evident from status of the registered cases and enquiries referred for departmental action against the Police officers and officials, who have been charged for illegal use of their power or corruption during the last three years.
Except a few, maximum  cases of corruption  and misappropriation by the cops continue to remain  under investigation by the State Vigilance Organization and the Crime Branch while in case of  all the enquiries, which have been referred to the top authorities for departmental action against the Police officers/ personnel, the Action Taken Reports are  awaited.
The accused Policemen include officers of the rank of SSP, DySP, Inspectors and also lower rank cops, against whom there are allegations of land grabbing, demand and acceptance of bribe, extortion of bribe in lieu of release of complainant, disproportionate assets, lodging of false FIR, fudging of documents and preparing fake appointment orders, forging signatures, etc.
Ironically, a number of these Police officers and officials are still posted at important positions notwithstanding serious nature of allegations against them besides registration of case or official recommendation for departmental action.
According to official data in this regard, 16 cases of corruption against the Police officers and officials were registered by the Vigilance Organization in the last three years while the Crime Branch booked 14 Policemen in corruption and misappropriation cases during this period. Besides, in nine cases of abusing official position and indulging in corruption practices, enquiries were forwarded to higher authorities for departmental action against the accused Police officer/official.
However, in all the nine enquiries, wherein a department action has been sought against the accused, police officials, the Action Taken Reports are still awaited in each case. Even as some of these enquiries were completed and forwarded to the higher authorities more than two years ago, there was no Action Taken Report till date, the official data revealed.
In the 14 cases of Crime Branch, registered against Police officers and officials, the investigations are under progress in nine of these cases while challan has been produced in one case and Government sanction is awaited in another case. In rest of the three cases, there are stay orders by the court.
Similarly, in the corruption cases for the last three years, registered by the Vigilance Organization against the officers and officials working in the Police Department in Jammu and Kashmir, investigation is still under progress in eight cases while challan has been produced in three cases.  In one case, departmental enquiry has been sought while in two cases, sanction is pending for further action. In one case,   investigation has been stayed by the State High Court.   Except three, all these cases were registered in either 2014 or 2015.