Vinod Verma
Intuition is that directly perceiving faculty of the soul which at once knows the truth about everything. Intuitive perception requires no medium of sense experience or reason. It connects true reason with the ego and soul like many of other powers, man’s intuition faculty remains undeveloped. The nature of intuition should be better understood and method of developing it considered.
Everyone demonstrates the power of intuition more or less. It peeps forth through the loopholes of calmness produced in the interwoven materials of thought and sensory perceptions. Intuition gives knowledge of things without requiring any objective or inferential data. We all know this from examples in our lives.
True intuition comes to you as a calm, haunting feeling, as distinguished from disturbed emotional obsessions. It comes to you as an inner voice or whispering. One must be careful to distinguish that inner guidance from the delusive fanciful voices of subconscious mind, Real intuition can never be wrong. It does not consist merely in believing a thing firmly or doggedly, but in knowing it directly and unmistakably. Intuition does not contradict but is always supported by the right sense of perception, reason and inference. All things known by intuition are invariably true, both materially and intellectually; but the opposite is not always true.
Depending upon on undeveloped intuitional faculty is dangerous. In semi-intuition, errors are made by people who fail to distinguish between a real intuitional experience, superstition, partial uniformity of events seeming to justify the same prediction, habits shrewdness or the delusion of “because it happened many times before it must happen again”.
Man must develop the power of the senses. In order to live rightly it is necessary to develop the power of the five senses, by stimulating them with concentration. Just as there are several windows in a house, so there are five windows of outer physical senses and three inner windows of consciousness fitted in the house of life. If the windows in the house are frosted visibility becomes poor. In the same way, if the sense and mind windows are befogged with ignorance and sensual and mental weakness, human understanding becomes clouded.
Train your intuition to solve problems :- Sense perception, inferential reasoning constitute the whole proof about the nature of everything. It may awaken memories in you through a certain taste or small associated with some event that you have experienced. Intuition brings everyday a new mind because you have denied the old mind. Through self – knowledge you have denied it, you have denied your conditioning totally and that can be denied totally only when the mind is aware of its own operations. How it works, How it thinks, What asre the motives. If we open ourselves to it, we lead us beyond our present state, otherwise. When we hear truth and do not act upon it, brings the psychological disturbances, unbalanced mind and ill health. When you are sure of this intuition as differentiated from self-sufficient “feelings” and hallucinations, then put it to work in solving small problems. When you are successful in doing that, then employ your intuition in the solution of big problems.