Inspirational Mahatma Gandhi

Dr. Shahid Amin
The world is changing very rapidly but posing a serious threat to its sustainable future. India is not an exception and has changed now into a different culture. It is not the same country which was built on hardships, honesty and the sacrifices of its great leaders. It is not the same land that great and inspirational Mahatma Gandhi ji had envisioned. Gandhi ji did not dream of India that was rich or powerful, but of an India that was fair and just. We have forgotten the rich Gandhian philosophy that assured peace and development.
Gandhi ji said, “Be the change you want to see in the world”. During his early years, Gandhi ji was also a bit of a casual person. He was sporting fancy clothes and tried his best to play the role of an elite colonial lawyer. Gandhi ji could realize it soon that if he wanted to change the world around him and achieve his goals, he must surrender his personal desires to those of his cause. He abstained from fancy dressing, observed fasts and took a vow of celibacy.
Gandhi ji was a towering and unmatched personality. He was extremely simple and hardworking. He travelled about 79000 Km distance during his campaigning from 1913-1948. He has written about 35000 plus letters in his life time. We cannot even think of writing a thousand letters in our life time. He once observed a fast for 21 days to ensure peace in the society. Oh! Today our leaders leave no stone unturned to ensure clashes and turmoil in the society. A reporter once asked to Gandhi Ji that why he used to travel by third class. Gandhi ji’s response took the reporter to surprise as he replied that there was no fourth class available yet. Today our leaders feel proud in using lavish cars and high class travelling. Gandhi ji truly deserved a noble peace prize and as many as six noble prize winners were heavily influenced by his rich teachings.
Gandhi ji was a man of rich and concrete principles. He won the hearts of his followers through his simple living and high thinking philosophies. He was a selfless leader who identified himself with the masses. He never believed in discrimination of his followers in terms of caste, creed, color, religion, superiority etc. His basic principle was that all are equal and good deeds are always rewarded. He gave huge respect to the people who were involved in the cleanliness works.
Gandhi ji believed in the utmost transparency and sincerity in his actions. Today we have a hidden agenda and cheap politics an order of the day. It’s his selflessness that has produced wonders for his country. He won the respect, confidence and loyalty of his followers. Millions of followers responded to his call. India has evolved as a big country today and lessons by Gandhi ji are massive and have the highest validity and applicability.
Gandhi ji’s strong determination won many tough battles for him. He achieved the freedom for his country by leading the innocent, suppressed and directionless masses towards a common goal. Gandhi ji would have never succeeded had he not detailed the achievable targets correctly. He followed the concepts of effective delegation and decentralization. But the leaders today want power in their own hands and hardly believe in participative decision making.
It’s unfortunate that the rich lessons by Gandhi ji are no more considered valid. The world is turning into a dangerous thing and our future seems bleak. India and the world need more Gandhi ji today than we ever have. He once said there was so much he had left unfinished. A Gandhi has to rise again. The world is now deprived of its honest and sincere men. If this world has to survive, love and truth are the only concepts worth living for in this world.
The author is Assistant Professor, ITM University Gwalior


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